Use case: Dynamic LWC table with Dynamic filters regardless of field type

Creating a dynamic Lightning Web Component (LWC) table with dynamic filters, regardless of field type, is a powerful way to provide flexible data visualization and interaction within Salesforce. Here’s how you can approach this use case:

Dynamic LWC Table:

  1. Fetch Data Dynamically: Use Apex to fetch data from Salesforce objects based on dynamic criteria or filters. Apex methods can be invoked imperatively in LWC to retrieve data.

  2. Dynamic Table Creation:

    • Use HTML <table> or <lightning-datatable> component in LWC to display data.
    • Dynamically generate table columns based on the fields retrieved from Salesforce objects. This can be achieved by iterating through metadata or fields returned by Apex.
  3. Render Data Dynamically: Populate the table with retrieved data. Use iteration (for:each) directives in LWC to render rows dynamically based on fetched records.

Dynamic Filters:

  1. Filter Component:

    • Create a reusable filter component (e.g., <c-dynamic-filter>) that accepts parameters for field API name, filter type (text, picklist, date, etc.), and filter values.
  2. Handle Filter Change:

    • Implement event handling in the filter component to capture changes (e.g., onchange event for text fields, picklist selection change, date range selection).
  3. Apply Filters:

    • In the LWC table component, apply filters based on user selections or inputs. Use JavaScript to filter data arrays based on filter criteria (e.g., array.filter() method).
  4. Dynamic UI Updates:

    • Update the UI dynamically as filters are applied. Refresh the data displayed in the table based on the filtered results.

Example Scenario:

  • Objective: Display a dynamic table of Account records with filters based on fields like Account Name, Industry, and Created Date.

  • Implementation Steps:

    • Use Apex to query Account records with dynamic fields based on user selection.
    • Dynamically generate columns in the LWC table component based on retrieved Account fields.
    • Implement a <c-dynamic-filter> component for each field type (text input for Account Name, picklist for Industry, date picker for Created Date).
    • Apply filters by passing filter criteria back to Apex query or filtering client-side data array based on user inputs.


  • Performance: Ensure efficient data retrieval and processing, especially when dealing with large datasets. Use pagination or lazy loading techniques if necessary.

  • UX/UI: Design an intuitive user interface that allows users to easily apply and clear filters, providing feedback on applied filters.

  • Security: Always validate and sanitize user inputs to prevent vulnerabilities like SOQL injection.

By implementing these steps, you can create a dynamic and interactive LWC table component with flexible filtering capabilities, regardless of field type, enhancing user experience and data visualization in Salesforce applications.

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