Custom Settings and Custom metadata

Custom setting:

  • Custom setting data are stored in the application cache memory, which is easy to access Without Query.
  • It Similar to a custom object
  • Triggers are not involved in this setting.
  • Custom settings can create up to 300 fields.
  • It provides limited custom fields only.

Types of custom settings:

There are two types of custom settings in Salesforce:

    • List custom settings
    • Hierarchy custom settings

     List Custom Settings:

    • List custom settings are used to store data that needs to be accessed as a collection.

     Hierarchy Custom Settings:

    • Hierarchy custom settings are used to store data.
    • The collection of data is fetched based on profile and user.

    How to create the custom settings

    Step 1:  Access the Salesforce Setup menu.

    Step 2: In the Quick Find box, search the Custom setting and click the new button

    Step 3: If you see that the setting type is not enabled so we find the schema setting and then enable the Manage list custom setting type. Next,

    Step 4: Now, the setting type is enabled that fills the object name and label. For example, I have entered the object name and the label is Employee.

    Step 5: Now, the custom settings are created. Now, we click the new button and start creating custom fields for our needs.

    Step 6: The custom setting is created with custom fields. Now, Click the Manage button. we can create some sample data as in the below image.

    Step 7: Click the Save Button. Now, the custom field is created.

    Advantages and Disadvantages:


    • Quick access to data.
    •  A query is not required.
    • Hierarchy custom settings give different data as per the profile or user ID.


    • Custom-setting data cannot be deployed to any other organization.
    • Tabs cannot be created.
    • only 300 fields are allowed.
    • Manually deploy the data.
    • Metadata:
    • Metadata is data about data and is the same as Custom Settings.
    • It is similar to a custom object that creates the Validation rule, page layout, and fields.
    • Its API name end with “__mdt “.
    • It provided a lookup, picklist, and text area.

    How to create the Custom Metadata settings:

    Step 1: Go to the Salesforce Setup menu.

    Step 2: In the Quick Find box, search the Custom Metadata types and click the new button.

    Step 3: If click the new button, show the Custom Metadata Type Information page and then enter the label and Object name.

    Step 4: Next click the save button, and the metadata is created.

    Step 5: The custom Metadata types were created, and now We start creating custom fields, validation rules, and page layouts for our needs.

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