Freeze User vs Active User in Salesforce

Freeze user and Unfreeze user.

Freezing an user account means it only blocks the login of the specific user,does not remove the licence of the user in the organisation.

Why freeze instead of deactivating?

After freezing an account we can use the licence of the user within the organisation,but when the account is deactivated we cannot use the user licence.  

How to freeze a user.

Step 1:

           Search user in quick find ->click on user

Step 2:

Select the specific user that you want to freeze, and Click on option Edit.

Step 3:

After selecting edit option,on top beside the Reset password option the Freeze option is given click on it and the user is frozen

How to Unfreeze Users.

Unfreezing an user has the same steps as freeing an user,here we follow those steps to unfreeze the already frozen user.

Why can’t we delete users in salesforce?

When the user exists they tend to upload data and make changes in the when an user is deleted it interrupts the database also it makes it harder to keep the tracking of data.

In Active  User

When the user is active then the user can login with their username password credentials, but if the user is inactive  the credentials for that specific user is blocked so they can’t login to the salesforce using that user’s credentials.

Note :    We can deactivate an user using the same steps instead of choosing the freeze option can deactivate by unchecking the active checkbox in User details.

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