Building a timesheet application in Salesforce

A timesheet is a tool used by employers to track the hours worked by employees during a specific period. This timesheet management solution streamlines the process of managing and tracking employee work hours across various projects and tasks.

With this app, users can easily input, edit, and review time entries, ensuring accurate records. It also offers robust project and task management features, allowing users to organize their work effectively. Additionally, the solution supports exporting data for reporting purposes and submitting timesheets for approval, simplifying the workflow and improving overall efficiency.

Timesheet Application Permission Sets

  • TimesheetApplicationAdmin_PermissionSet: This permission set is designed for administrators, granting them full access to all objects and fields within the application.

  • TimesheetApplicationManager_PermissionSet: This permission set is tailored for managers, providing access to relevant objects with the ability to edit the Timesheet_Status__c field.

  • TimesheetApplication_PermissionSet: This permission set is intended for standard users, offering read-only access to objects and fields within the application.

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