
Custom Notification in Salesforce

Custom notification in salesforce is used to send a custom-made notification to the user when at the occurrence of a certain function defined by the developer. Flow Flow in Salesforce is an Automation process, which is used to group certain actions together to create a process. Custom Notification Using Flow [...]

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Salesforce Devops Center

DevOps Centre

Salesforce Launches DevOps Centre to Accelerate Development and Shorten Release Cycles. Installation and Setup: Creating Connected App: Assigning Permission Set to the Connected App: Permission Set Along with DevOps Center: Permission Set Description Assign To DevOps Center Base Permission Set All DevOps Center Users DevOps Center Manager Access and permission [...]

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Custom Settings and Custom metadata

Custom setting: Types of custom settings: There are two types of custom settings in Salesforce:  List Custom Settings:  Hierarchy Custom Settings: How to create the custom settings Step 1:  Access the Salesforce Setup menu. Step 2: In the Quick Find box, search the Custom setting and click the new button [...]

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Restriction rule in salesforce:

The restriction rule makes certain records invisible to certain users. For example, if a list returns 50 records, The restriction rules are applied to the 25 records and the user will see only a few records.  Key Considerations: Restriction rule creation. First of all, I did create the custom objects [...]

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Streaming API in Salesforce 

The Salesforce Streaming API is used when you need to keep your external source in sync with the Salesforce data with PushTopic events and Change Data Capture events. Streaming API uses Bayeux Protocol and Asynchronous in Nature. Data Format is JSON. When to use Streaming API               Use Streaming API [...]

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Communicate Unrelated Component Using Aura Component

We can communicate unrelated components using application event. Application events are handled by any component defined by the event. Application events follow a traditional publish-subscribe model. An application event is fired from an instance of a component. All components that provide a handler for the event are notified. Each unrelated [...]

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ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture and is specifically designed for generating text and engaging in interactive conversations with users. Language models like ChatGPT are trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet, allowing them [...]

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Contact Request Flow in Salesforce

Salesforce Customer Contact Requests is another cool feature to enhance your customer’s experience in dealing with your company. It lets your customers submit a request for someone to get back to them. This way, there is no need for the customers to call your company, be kept on hold, and wait endlessly. [...]

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